Recently Chris Youlden, Mel Wright, Bernie Pallo and I met up in Soho for our regular drink session, but instead of using the Blue Post behind the Hundred Club, we reconvened at our old haunt in Greek Street, The Coach and Horses. Mel Wright and I were the first to arrive and Mel mentioned that he had been by one of our old gigs, Les Enfants Terribles which was about to be demolished. Mel said he’d taken a photograph of the place but couldn’t get access to the interior. He suggested doing a piece about it for the web site. There is access to that now on the site plus another photograph of myself and the late Rod Price, our guitarist at the time, who later joined The Black Cat Bones and then the successful american arena band Foghat. Perhaps I’ll persuade Mel to do more on the past events we shared. When Chris arrived, he offered to search out an old interview he did, so perhaps we can get that on site too. Continue reading
Category Archives: Diary
That Time Of Year
It’s over a month since I wrote anything here so perhaps I should do some catching up. I suppose I’d be well advised to leave out the embarrassing bits, or at least most of them. I’ll definitely leave out the juicy bits because in this season of goodwill, I shouldn’t make you envious, so I won’t. Continue reading
All quiet on the depression front
On Halloween I gave up all pretence of being sensible and ended up wearing a mask and a cloak. Talk about entering into the spirit of things. It was all Gigi’s fault – of course. We went to a friend in Pimlico, dressed sensibly at first. Naturally we stopped at a pub on the way where we were able to sit outside and watch the evening’s halloween costumes going past with people in them. Suitably reinforced we proceeded to our destination and donned the necessary garments. Once inside the house. I attempted to divest myself of the encumbrances imposed on me, but was swiftly rebuffed and whilst I lost the mask, (which incidentally reminded me of those awful wartime kids’ Mickey Mouse gas masks we were issued with… couldn’t breath properly in clean air never mind in a gas attack…) I was persuaded to retain the cloak. The dagger came out later. Continue reading
A little night music.
Well life isn’t so dreary after all, even during a recession. I don’t know what the saying is about things coming in threes, but in my case good things happened three times to me in a couple of days. Mind they did follow three miserable days after my dumb argument with Gigi. Finally we agreed to meet to discuss things and I’m happy to say, after a long and serious conversation, we are together again. Continue reading
The blues returns
I’ve had an eventful few days recently. Last Saturday was a birthday party at the Inn on the Green for Tina the manageress. Gigi and I went and stayed till one o’clock and then walked home. We had almost arrived and were walking along the pavement arm in arm when a cyclist approached us from the other direction. For those who like stereotyping people, he was black and wearing a hood. For the more enlightened among you, read on… Continue reading
Back to business
It’s some time since I wrote anything here and I have to admit to being busy doing other things, but I won’t say too much about that as it could make some people jealous especially if they’ve given up on sex, or worse still, sex has given up on them. If this sounds like I’m boasting, I am, live with it. OK, that’s the fantasy bit done with, back to reality. Continue reading
Let the good times roll
The gig at the Inn, on the third Sunday in July, was cancelled at the last moment because of a break-in overnight. The police were there all day, so the club remained closed. I tried to warn the band to save them a journey, but wasn’t too successful. I managed to get hold of the drummer before he left home, just after he’d finished loading his car, of course. The bassist was just about to load his car, so I had some success, but unfortunately I couldn’t get in touch with the guitarist until he was almost at the venue. He turned around and went back home but I had to wait for Chris Youlden at the venue because I couldn’t get hold of him, as he’d already left also. Continue reading
Let's have a party
I did a trio gig last Sunday with Alan Vincent and Tony Bell on guitars. Having persuaded Al to bring along his PA, I arrived to find that there was in fact a house PA . The playing area could be described as small but beautifully formed, but as it wasn’t beautifully formed, just small, I won’t say it was. In fact we set up behind the piano and I managed to stand in the doorway. Luckily there was no fire so I couldn’t be accused of blocking the fire exit. Continue reading
Up and Down
The Windsor Castle has been sold off to developers depite manager Tony’s great effort to put it back on the music map. So that’s one gig I won’t be doing next month. One gig I won’t be doing this month is the Inn on the Green as there is a lot going on there or thereabouts this weekend. However we’re due back there next month. Continue reading
Must be getting old
We had another fine gig at the Oval Tavern in East Croydon. Chris Youlden was in better voice than ever, according to Graeme, the bar manager. I agreed with him as I’ve always thought that Chris was the best blues singer to come out of Britain. I know from the continuing emails I get from Europe and the States that I’m not alone in that assessment. Continue reading
I went to the jam at Inn On The Green last Wednesday night, only to find that it wasn’t on, due to a double booking oversight. As my regular gig there is also off this month, I was wondering if there was a hidden message in all this. If there is, then there’s probably a hidden answer too, so I guess I’ll never know. Mind, I did have a little temper tantrum myself last time I was at the jam. Must have been something I drank. Continue reading
Video and us
One of Muddy Waters’ sons, Mud Morganfield, gigged with Big Joe Louis and his Blues Kings up in Kilburn recently. I went along with Jon T-Bone Taylor and Gordon Smith and thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The guy really looked like Muddy though he didn’t play guitar. The band supported him brilliantly and I’m glad I went along. It took me back to the early sixties, even though the guys would have been in short pants then.