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4 thoughts on “Videos

  1. I thought the performance was wonderful. However the sound, and camera work could have been much better. I would love to see a full length professionally shot concert featuring Chris Youlden. We here in the states have no access to see your wonderful band, and video may be the only way.

    Please release one soon!

    All the best,

  2. Hi Larry. Thanks for the feedback. We haven’t yet been approached by Hollywood, nor even Bollywood but who knows. (Now I really am in the realms of fantasy). Yes it would be good to get a DVD out and who knows, it might even pay for itself. We’ll see. Cheers, Shakey

  3. I’ve waited years to see you and Chris preform I agree with Larry we here in the states don’t get to see or hear much from you guys, and a DVD would be nice.Also how or where can I get the Waydown Greek Street CD? Thanks for all the great music over the years,and keep it up.Tell Chris hello and glad he is doing fine. Wayne Vannice

  4. Hello Shakey,

    I was wondering if there have plans for you and Chris to come to the USA for a tour? Also is there anything in the works for an official video of the two of you in concert? Speaking for myself and many of your fans in Chicago we need a Shakey and Chris fix.

    All the best

    Larry White

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