March’s gig at the Inn on the Green with Top Topham depping for Bernie Pallo on guitar sounded great and all the band enjoyed the vibe. It’s great that we can get people to fit so easily into the band without any rehearsal and let them add their own distinctive contribution, giving each line up a unique collaboration. Thanks again to Top.
Dino, Jim and I played the Wenlock Arms on the following Sunday in March and that again was a distinctive collaboration. This trio was the basic unit of the band and the sound will be on one track of the next Cd. However Jim did change the format at the Wenlock by playing guitar on a few numbers. Ah such versatility. He actually used my guitar, the cheek. Mind he can play it better than I can so you can all relax…I won’t be strutting my guitar stuff. I can’t even get air guitar right.
Bernie Pallo returned from his trip to Marseilles for the April gig at the Inn and again the band had that slightly different sound from the previous month, while staying within the basic improvising ensemble style we’ve developed over the years. Well that’s it for now, hope to see some of you at the Oval