It has been quite a while since I wrote anything here but I haven’t been that active so I have no real excuse. My great friend John Wilson died a few months ago but I didn’t feel like writing about it at the time. I travelled to Boston Lincolnshire for the funeral and there was a good turnout. I was first in a long line of speakers from John’s busy life. He was a big fan of old cars and motorbikes and this was paid tribute to by a couple of his friends, He was also very big in the Students union in his day and friends came up from Brighton to pay their tributes. His brother-in-law and his niece also made their contributions.
John helped me out in the early days, sitting on the door at the hole in the ground and the Blue Horizon gig in Battersea. Later he also got me a few student union gigs and was always up for a laugh. I miss him.
I’m off to a wedding in Israel on Saturday so won’t be sitting in with Eddy and The Wild Dice at The Mau Mau Bar on the next couple of Sunday afternoons but will be back for the monthly session at The Union Tavern on the last Tuesday of the month.