I made it to the blues jam at the Inn on the Green last Wednesday. I enjoyed it more than I had expected to. The house band got things moving with plenty of Elmore and Robert Johnson stuff. Friends of Tony, the gutarist organiser, had come from as far away as Eastbourne to support the first night so there was plenty of variety. I sat in on a couple of songs along with a violin player and as far as I know, no-one left the building. I shall be there again this Wednesday too.
On Friday I was telling a friend about an incident in the States when I was working with the late Rod Price band. The incident concerned the drummer on the tour and myself…in a bar needless to say. Then out of the blue I received an email on Sunday from the drummer Billy. We’d been out of touch since the last tour which was in 2001 and he’d finally tracked down my email address. Unfortunately he passed on the news that the bass player, Bobby had died in the interim. These two guys were great fun to be with on the road and I wish I’d managed to keep in touch. I shall do so with Billy now that we’re in contact again.
I’ve decided not to hold a birthday bash this year, which is unfortunate because a couple of people from the States and Europe will be in town about then. Perhaps they’ll turn up at the jam. I shall be meeting up with Chris Youlden and the Waydown guys for a little birthday tipple in Soho on Friday. Of course my birthday is on Thursday so I may already be the worse for wear by Friday. This would automatically exclude any birthday bash this weekend. Well I’m supposed to be enjoying myself not punishing myself. Does this mean I shall drink in moderation? That’ll be a first and not before time, some people might say. Naturally I do ignore such people.
Hi Shakey: I came across your interesting website in my never-ending quest for news and info about Chris Youlden, the greatest rock/blues singer England has produced as of yet. Imagine my delight in finding you two are in cahoots. I don’t know if your schedule permits answering e-mail inquiries, but I would like to know if Mr. Y. has a web address or if he even welcomes communication from the public. I would like to also thank you for maintaining such a current, up-to-date site as some of your peers do not. Thanks, J.G.